While Harrison Ford enjoys showing the funniest side of himself in the Apple TV+ series Shrinkingthat's not the only reason he was drawn to the project.
“Oh man, I get to step outside of essential human contact,” the actor, 82, recently said Vanity Fair. “I can imagine with people who have great skills and experience…. It's fun to work with these people.”
Shrinkingco-created by Bill Lawrence, Jason Segel and Brett Goldstein, follows Jimmy (Segel), a grieving therapist, who begins telling his clients exactly what he thinks, ignoring his training and ethics. Ford plays Dr. Paul Rhoades, the head of a cognitive behavioral therapy practice and Jimmy's colleague.
And while Ford is known for his more serious roles such as Han Solo in Star Wars franchise and Indiana Jones in Indiana Jones franchise, he admitted to being a “silly person” at heart. The actor also believes that there is a sense of humor in every project.
“In a way, yes, because the jokes are really the surprise in everything, in a serious film or a streaming comedy,” he explained. “Finding the humor in the moment is what makes him survive most of the time. I like to give the characters I play their own sense of humor. I think everyone has one, even if they're not funny.
Ford said he especially enjoys being around other people “having fun,” which he did Shrinking the perfect project for the actor as a down-to-earth comedy. “I don't like to get too serious,” he added.
“I've always liked humor. I loved the jokes. I loved the construction of the jokes. My father told jokes. The words and ideas behind a joke have always interested me,” Ford explained. “When I was thinking about becoming an actor, I was ambitious for both types of work: serious drama and comedy. I found myself doing both and not distinguishing much between them. I think I think with the same mind as an actor about a line as a serious or emotional scene.
Second season of Shrinking will premiere on Apple TV+ on October 16.