[Released] One Plus Two = 3 info

This is a new type of puzzle that involves spelling and math. You see a number. You have a set of letters that describe these numbers.

You start with tasks as simple as

1 = one

to expressions such as

14 = three times four plus two

There is pure mathematical pleasure in solving them.

There are several types of clues that can help you become an ultimate problem solver:

– you must always use all letters to fill empty spaces

– the result of the sentence is the number displayed at the top of the screen

– you will know what mathematical operations are involved in constructing sentences

– after several successful answers, you will win the “open a word” or “open a letter” bonus

– there is also another hidden clue, which you will notice after a while of playing.

One Plus Two = 3 is a great way to spend time solving puzzles.

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