Dave Chappelle and Killer Mike team up for co-headlining tour

Dave Chappelle and Killer Mike are on the road. The two are teaming up for a co-headlining tour called Still Talkin' That Sh*t that will see the stand-up superstar and Grammy Award-winning rapper and producer make seven stops across the United States next month. The tour will begin at the Fox Theater in Detroit on … Read more

The British cinematographer worked with Mike Leigh, he was 77 years old

Dick Pope, the veteran British cinematographer who worked on 11 films with director Mike Leigh, died on Tuesday, the British Society of Cinematographers said in a statement. He was 77 years old. No cause of death was given, but Leigh recounted it IndieWire that the Pope had undergone “major heart surgery” before the work began … Read more

Mike Jeffries, former CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch, arrested for sex trafficking

Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries is in custody after being arrested in Florida on interstate sex trafficking and prostitution charges, according to multiple news outlets citing senior law enforcement officials. In addition to Jeffries, who ran the popular retailer from 1992 to 2014, his partner, Matthew Smith, was also arrested in West Palm … Read more

Marianne Jean-Baptiste parla di Dure Verità e della sua riunione con Mike Leigh

Sono passati 28 anni da quando Marianne Jean-Baptiste ha fatto irruzione sulla scena cinematografica internazionale nel film di Mike Leigh Segreti e bugie. L'attrice britannica aveva appena finito la scuola di recitazione quando è stata scelta per la commedia drammatica del 1996 nel ruolo di Hortense, una professionista nera della classe media che è stata … Read more

Toronto Film Fest Welcomes Mike Leigh's “Hard Truths”

It's no secret that Toronto loves Mike Leigh and it would be a lie to say so. Hard truthsthe latest film from the legendary British director, did not receive a warm reception at its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival on Friday night. Hard truths bowed at TIFF's Royal Alexandra Theatre with Leigh and … Read more

Marianne Jean-Baptiste in Mike Leigh's drama

In the pantheon of unlikeable screen heroines, Pansy Deacon is more than noteworthy. Played by a ferocious Marianne Jean-Baptiste, the perpetually tormented and hostile protagonist of Mike Leigh's film Hard truths He spits his venom on everyone he meets: from family members to furniture store clerks and every unfortunate character in between. Leaving us with … Read more

Mike Leigh Reunites With Marianne Jean-Baptiste

Secrets and Lies Star Marianne Jean-Baptiste plays Pansy, a woman prone to furious tirades against her family, in the trailer for Mike Leigh's film Hard truths released before its world premiere at the Toronto Film Festival. “Why are you so mad? Because you can't enjoy your life,” asks Pansy's sister, played by Michele Austin, at … Read more

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