The protagonists of the fake documentary are Bobby Moynihan and Chris Parnell

The trailer of the mockumentary film Micro balance sheet features a lineup of well-known comedians and will launch ahead of the project's festival debut later this month.

The Hollywood Reporters exclusive promo preview previews the comedy from director and co-writer Morgan Evans. Brandon Michael Hall, Bobby Moynihan and Chris Parnell star in Micro balance sheetwhich tells the story of Terry (Hall), an unsuspecting father-to-be, who moves with his pregnant wife to Los Angeles to shoot a low-budget disaster movie that he plans to sell to a streaming service at a large profit.

The cast is completed by Maria Bamford, Mike Mitchell, Neil Casey, Patrick Noth, Emilea Wilson, Nichole Sakura, Jordan Rock, Jon Gabrus and Hal Linden.

“I read about this Paranormal activity “guy,” Hall's character explains in the trailer. “He made that movie for next to nothing, and then he sold it for a bajillion dollars. So I said, 'Hey, get some money together. Make a movie. Sell it for a fucking ton.'”

As you might expect, obstacles abound for the project’s motley crew. Among them, Moynihan exclaims, “Someone has to reimburse me for my wrecked bike!”

Micro balance sheet is currently seeking distribution and will premiere at the Calgary International Film Festival on September 21, followed by a screening there on September 28. The film will also screen at the Tacoma Film Festival on October 12 and the Buffalo International Film Festival on October 13.

Evans (The Teen Titans Go!) directed the film from a screenplay he co-wrote with Noth. Evans, Noth, Wilson, Rob Hatch-Miller and Puloma Basu produced.

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