TIFF 2nd: Julia Stuart by Sky Originals

Julia Stuart, Director of Sky Original Film, leads a team that acquires exclusive rights and commissions the production of original feature films for the Sky Cinema platform and for theatrical distribution.

Stuart and his team have brought several major titles to Sky, including Michael Mann's Ferrari, May December with Julianne Moore and Natalie Portman, e The beekeeper with Jason Statham.

Sky's current 2025 schedule includes action thrillers Covert Operations starring Ashley Walters, Languagean Irish romantic comedy by Dan Mazer (Borat, I give him a year) will write and direct; Romulusa sci-fi thriller starring Lorcan Finnegan (Nursery) assigned to direct and adapt a new adaptation of Robert Harris's best-selling novel Homeland alongside German director Dennis Gansel.

My “only in Toronto” moment is: The pirate noises everyone makes during the piracy warning! It really threw me off when I first heard it, but now I can't wait because I know it means I'm going to watch a movie with an amazing and engaged audience.

My “Canadians are so nice” moment is…

The first time I was in Toronto there was someone pushing a huge cart full of drink cans [across the street] I lost control of them and they rolled all over the place — the whole street poured out onto the road to help pick them up. It's such a small thing, but that kind of collective kindness really stuck with me. I'm not sure that would happen in London.

The only place I have to visit when I'm in Toronto is

The mall! I have a soft spot for Bath and Body Works, but they always lose something in my suitcase when I get home.

The place I avoid during the festival is…

Nowhere: I like the crowds and lively atmosphere of downtown during TIFF.

My favorite Canadian director/talent is…

Mary Harron — American Psychology It's an iconic adaptation and has also worked in some darker TV genres which I love like The followingI don't know what this says about me, but I like the macabre a bit!

The most Canadian thing about Toronto is…

The audience and volunteers at the festival are so kind. It's a commune for a reason. The festival has a real sense of community and you get the feeling that everyone is there for the love of cinema.

The only thing I wouldn't travel without (besides my phone) is…

All I need to make a good cup of tea: I pack a kettle, some tea bags and my mug.

The biggest star meet in Toronto…

A pre-Barbie Margot Robbie at the film screening for buyers, taking time to talk to everyone.

Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds?


In Toronto you should always…

Bring tissues! There are plenty of tearjerkers that tug at the heartstrings, and I usually try to discreetly wipe away my tears at least once.

In Toronto you should never…

Leave home without packing as if you were going on a hike: there can be four seasons in one day and I always make sure to have comfortable shoes, sunglasses, an umbrella and a raincoat with me.

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